Berthoud Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph #CB-MF30

Brief Description

The image shows an old Continental Divide sign on top of Berthoud Pass during the early 1900s. Crater Mountain can be seen in the distance while the unpaved highway rounds the curve over the top of the pass.


This photo was cropped from a composite photo in a digital version of the Municipal Facts publication, held by the Denver Public Library.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This image comes from an issue of Municipal Facts that was published for March-April, 1930. The snowpack in the background indicates that the photo must have been taken sometime at least before the preceding winter.

The Berthoud Pass Inn was built in 1925 on the opposite side of the highway. The sign that is shown here was likely gone by the time that the inn was built, so this image likely pre-dates 1925.

The improved highway which appears to be shown here was completed in 1923.

Comments & Discussion

The Berthoud Pass image that is featured on this page came from a road trip account, written by Edith Sampson for this issue of Municipal Facts. The full composition image that was published for this story can be seen below. View the original story here.

Denver Municipal Facts publication image of Willow Creek Pass sign from 1930

Willow Creek Pass and Berthoud Pass both cross the Continental Divide, but Cameron Pass does not. The Continental Divide signs would be moved to the other side of the road when the Berthoud Pass Inn was built. The stone marker on top of the pass that can still be seen today was added in 1929.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Berthoud Pass Signs

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

Continental Divide Archives

Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide signs in June 1952

All Coloradotopia Archives

Monarch Pass Continental Divide signs with the Hermit of Arbor Villa