Berthoud Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph #CB-MP24

Brief Description

This original photograph has been scanned from the Coloradotopia archives. It shows a woman on Berthoud Pass next to the Continental Divide sign sometime in the 1940s. The Berthoud Pass Inn can be seen in the background, along with a few cars and the Continental Divide.


Scanned with basic cropping, no enhancements.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This photograph can be dated to the early 1940s by comparing it to other photos from this era. This sign was likely added here around 1940, and the amount of graffiti seen here indicates this image may have been captured sometime in the 1942-1944 range. The Berthoud Pass Inn, seen in the background here, burned down in 1946 after being struck by lightning.


backside scan of Berthoud Pass 1940s photograph CB-MP24

Full Scan

full scan of Berthoud Pass 1940s Continental Divide sign photograph CB-MP24

Comments & Discussion

The original Berthoud Pass Inn was taken down in 1938. A smaller inn and souvenir shop was built in its place shortly afterwards. That is the structure shown in the back left of this photograph. The trees behind this parking lot would be partially cleared soon in order to make room for the rope tow. Highway 40 ran right behind where the photographer was standing to capture this image.

The Cars

The vehicles in this photo have not been identified yet.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: There is obvious discoloration due to age on the backside and in the borders on the front. There is mild fading of the inks on the back. The front is starting to show a small amount of cracking and spidering.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Berthoud Pass Signs

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

Continental Divide Archives

Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide signs in June 1952

All Coloradotopia Archives

Monarch Pass Continental Divide signs with the Hermit of Arbor Villa