Berthoud Pass Continental Divide Sign Postcard #CB-11E4

Brief Description

This image has been taken from a postcard that was created sometime during the early 1940s. Two signs at the top of Berthoud Pass are shown on this postcard along with the Berthoud Pass Inn in the background.


Scanned with cropping and auto white balance applied to the cropped version.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

These signs existed here during the early 1940s, and it is believed that they were likely added in 1940. The Berthoud Pass Inn can be seen here in the background with an addition that was completed in 1939. The sign seen on the inn is not the first sign that existed there. This one, which reads “Berthoud Pass Inn” at the top, was added after a period of time.


backside scan of Berthoud Pass postcard CB-11E4

Full Scan

full scan of Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign postcard CB-11E4

Comments & Discussion

Two versions of this image are held in the Coloradotopia archives. One was developed as a real photo postcard, while the other was printed using a lithographic printing technique. The version that is scanned on this page is the real photo postcard. This version shows the greatest details, but the lighting and shading are a bit off. The second postcard has more accurate shading and clarity, but it lacks details since the image is made up of many small dots.

This smaller version of the Berthoud Pass Inn was only here for a few years after the original inn was taken down in 1938. It would be replaced with a small ski lodge, and eventually by the larger Berthoud Pass Lodge. See the full history of the Berthoud Pass Inn & Berthoud Pass Lodge here.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: There are streaks of darkening due to age on the backside. A piece of the front surface is missing in the upper-right corner. There is mild scratching of the surface, but no cracking or spidering. The edges are starting to delaminate.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Berthoud Pass Signs

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

Continental Divide Archives

Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide signs in June 1952

All Coloradotopia Archives

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