1983 Cottonwood Pass Continental Divide Sign Slide #CCO-83G11

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Brief Description

The image shown on this slide was captured at the top of Cottonwood Pass in 1983.


Scanned with basic cropping, color correction, auto white balance.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This slide has been punch-stamped with the development date of Sept. 1983. The date that the image was captured on was likely very close to this.

Comments & Discussion

This sign took the place of a larger, brown wooden sign that was erected by the US Forest Service in this location on the Continental Divide.

This sign would be replaced by 1985 when a similar sign took its place. The next sign would be almost identical, but the wooden posts holding it up would be noticeably different.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: The slide has not been cleaned prior to scanning the current version. There is no discoloration of the cardboard slide mount. The punch-stamped date impression is fading but clearly legible.

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About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Cottonwood Pass Signs

Cottonwood Pass Continental Divide sign in 1983

Continental Divide Archives

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

All Coloradotopia Archives

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