1958 Independence Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph #CIN-KV58
Brief Description
This photograph shows a woman standing on top of Independence Pass in 1958. The Continental Divide sign and other signs here were added by the Colorado Department of Highways sometime during the mid-1950s.
- Date: 1958
- Photographer: Unknown
- Medium: Original Photograph
- Size: 4.5" x 3.25"
- ID: CIN-KV58
- Acquisition Date: February 2024
- Repository: Coloradotopia Archives
Scanned with basic cropping, no enhancements.
Image use restricted.
Image Dating Comments
This photograph has a handwritten date of 1958 on the bottom right of the front side. This set of signs was added here sometime shortly after 1953. Take note of the graffiti if you need to date a photo of these signs from sometime during this era.

Comments & Discussion

The background has patches of melting snow on the peaks, indicating that despite this woman’s coat, this was probably a summer photograph from sometime around June or July.
The text across the bottom of these signs reads “Colo Dept of Highways”. Similar signs were added by the department on other mountain passes in Colorado. There have been many similar versions, but these ones were generally added in the 1940s and ’50s.
Condition, Aging & Authenticity: The photograph’s surface has some obvious scratch marks, some of which may be from the photo negative, but there is no spidering or cracking in the surface. The delicate frilled edging is mostly undamaged. The Kodak Velox markings on the back have faded heavily. The backside scan needed to be scanned with darkened settings in order to make that text easily readable in the scanned image.
The handwritten date shows lots of fading of the ink, but no oxidization yet upon entry into the archives.
About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.