1926 Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph #CML-26-669

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Brief Description

This photograph shows a woman standing with what it believed to be the first Continental Divide sign on Milner Pass. Fall River Road can be seen passing in front of her.


Scanned with basic cropping, no enhancements.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This photograph was dated by the seller to 1926. It was found in a series of albums containing photos from a family trip to Colorado.


backside of 1926 Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph CML-26-669

Full Scan

full scan of 1926 Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Photograph CML-26-669

Comments & Discussion

Fall River Road was completed in 1920. This sign was added on the southern side of the roadway where it traversed over Milner Pass. A hairpin turn was located to the left of this photo where the road would ascend further up into Rocky Mountain National Park.

Most Continental Divide signs in Colorado were erected by the US Forest Service or Colorado’s highway department (under various names). However, since this sign was located within a national park, it was added by the National Park Service. This name can be seen across the top of the sign.

This is the same woman that is shown in photograph CB-10296.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: What was originally probably a white border has now been tinted due to age. The ink stamps on the back do show signs of fading, but the fading is relatively mild considering the age of the photo at the time it is being logged into the archive.

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About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

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