1974 Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Kodachrome Slide #CML-293

Brief Description

The Continental Divide sign on Milner Pass was located on the southern side of Trail Ridge Rd. at the time that this image was captured. The image shown here from 1974 was scanned from a Kodak Kodachrome slide.


Scanned with basic cropping, digital enhancements unknown.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This slide’s mount has an ink-stamped development date of July 1974.

The fence behind the sign was added sometime between 1966 and 1974. The stone base was also recently added.

Comments & Discussion

The lower rivet holes in the sign had been filled by the time this image was captured. These were no longer used after the sign had the wave pattern added to it during the early 1960s. The stone base is also relatively new. That was not here when this sign was originally added on this side of the road.

Kodachrome slides are common in the Coloradotopia archives, but this particular slide’s mount is not common.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: The numbers 9 and 293 were already handwritten in pen on this slide upon arrival into the archive. It appears that a small amount of fading can be seen in the blue ink. The red ink for the date stamp also has obvious fading. The slide has no browning or obvious signs of aging on the mount, but there is a small amount of red color bleed on the backside around some of the lettering.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Milner Pass Signs

Milner Pass Continental Divide sign in 1952

Continental Divide Archives

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

All Coloradotopia Archives

Monarch Pass Continental Divide signs with the Hermit of Arbor Villa