1985 Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Ektachrome Slide #CML-856

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Brief Description

The Continental Divide sign that is shown here replaced the previous one on Milner Pass sometime between 1977 and 1985.


Scanned with basic cropping, digital color correction and auto white balance applied.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

A date of July 1985 can be seen punch-stamped into the slide’s mount.

Comments & Discussion

This slide has a traditional 35mm mount that has been rotated to orient vertically. The rounded corners of the slide set it apart from those of previous decades. This is at least the 4th sign that was erected on Milner Pass to mark the Continental Divide.

The wooden fence that is seen on each side of the sign is relatively new. This can be seen in previous signs from the 1970s (like this one), but the part directly behind the sign has now been removed.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: There are no visible signs of aging or discoloration on this slide upon arrival into the archives.

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About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Milner Pass Signs

Milner Pass Continental Divide sign in 1952

Continental Divide Archives

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

All Coloradotopia Archives

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