Milner Pass Continental Divide Sign Kodachrome Slide #CML-28

Brief Description

This image is scanned from a Kodachrome slide in the Coloradotopia archives. It shows the Continental Divide sign on Milner Pass sometime around 1950.


Scanned with basic cropping, color correction, auto white balance.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This slide can be dated to the period between 1947 and 1952. The archive contains reliably dated images that predate and post-date this one. The date for this image can be determined by looking at the markings in the border area of the sign, and comparing them with other images.

Comments & Discussion

The slide’s cardboard mount has a red border. This red border is generally found on Kodachrome slides from the first half of the 1900s. This slide has “Cont. Divide” written in pen, but no date indications.

The number “28” has been punch-stamped into the slide’s cardboard.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: Upon entry into the archive, the cardboard mount is significantly darker than the later slides. Other red border Kodachrome slides from Milner Pass can be seen next to this one because they are stored next to each other. This one is the darkest by far.

Next to the ‘Made in USA’ text, there are small bits of faded red ink that indicate there may have been a date stamp on this slide at one point. The ink is barely visible to the naked eye and no shapes can be made out under magnification.

The red border has a few spots where there is obvious wear or damage.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Milner Pass Signs

Milner Pass Continental Divide sign in 1952

Continental Divide Archives

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

All Coloradotopia Archives

Monarch Pass Continental Divide signs with the Hermit of Arbor Villa