Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide Sign Kodachrome Slide #CRA-9

Brief Description

This image from the Coloradotopia archives shows a man posing with a 1961 Mercury Comet in front of the Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide sign in Colorado.


Scanned with basic cropping, auto white balance and color correction.

Image use restricted.

Image Dating Comments

This slide has been dated to sometime during 1961 or later. It is known that this version of the Continental Divide sign was added in 1953. While the wear on the sign confirms that the image must have been captured later, the car in this image gives a better clue as to the date.

That car has been identified as a 1961 Mercury Comet. The 1960 models did not have the 3 vertical markers on the front quarter panel, and neither did the ’62 models. The oddly placed dual hood ornaments are also a clue as to the make/model.

Comments & Discussion

This slide’s mount is slightly peculiar in two ways. The bottom has a slightly reeded edge. The slide number is also punch-stamped into the cardboard rather than ink-stamped. Dates are often punch-stamped, but not the slide’s serial number.

A melting snowpack can be seen in the background. During the summer, the area on Rabbit Ears Pass behind this sign would usually have more activity.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: Browning due to age is just beyond mild on both sides of the slide. There is no oxidation or fading of the handwriting visible to the naked eye, but a small amount of fading can be seen under a loupe.

About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

Rabbit Ears Pass Signs

Rabbit Ears Pass Continental Divide signs in June 1952

Continental Divide Archives

Berthoud Pass Continental Divide sign in 1963

All Coloradotopia Archives

Monarch Pass Continental Divide signs with the Hermit of Arbor Villa