Cañon City and Cripple Creek Historic Toll Road Ticket #CCCCT31

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Brief Description

This unused toll road ticket comes from the Cañon City and Cripple Creek Toll Road in Colorado. This wagon road ran between Cripple Creek, CO and Cañon City during the late 1800s and early 1900s.


Scanned at 1200 DPI, no enhancements. The actual color is slightly closer to orange than what is shown here.

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Image Dating Comments

The road was completed in 1892 and purchased by Teller and Fremont counties in 1906. This ticket likely dates to this time period.

backside of Canon City and Cripple Creek Toll Road historic toll road ticket #CCCCT31

Comments & Discussion

Tolls for this wagon road cost between $.30 and $1.75.1 The ticket would have been punched 4 times if it was used – for the day, month, number of horses and travel method.

This ticket was purchased from a local estate. It was shipped to the archives from the post office in Florence, CO, located just to the south of Cañon City.

The road was sold to Teller County and Fremont County for $4,000 in 1906.2 It ceased operating as a toll road, and soon took on the name Shelf Road. This road still exists today.

Condition, Aging & Authenticity: There are no major creases or centerfolds. There are minor knicks and dings along the edges, but no major damage. The corners are rounded with the top-left being in the best shape.

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About the Coloradotopia Archives Collection. The Coloradotopia archives hold a large collection of historical images and items that document Colorado’s automobile history in the mountains. You can read more about the collection here.

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  1. Gold Belt Byway. (n.d.). Attractions along Phantom Canyon Road. Retrieved December 25, 2024, from
  2. The Canon City Record, Volume 29, Number 34, August 23, 1906, p. 3.