Howelson Hill Ski Equipment Rentals
You should be able to find 10+ ski rental shops in Steamboat Springs during any given season. There are no equipment rentals offered at the base of Howelson Hill, so you will need to rent your skis or snowboards from a shop in town.
Howelson Hill Ski & Snowboard Rental Deals
There are lots of ski rental shops in this area. Please consider renting from one of our partners below:

Christy Sports
There are 4 Christy Sports locations near the base of Steamboat, just a few minutes away from Howelson Hill. Look for discounts on all Christy Sports ski and snowboard packages online through the button on this page.

Howelson Hill Equiment Rental FAQ
No. You should be able to see most of the course from the bottom while on foot. If you are coming to Howelson Hill to watch a race, you don’t need equipment or a lift ticket in order to watch.
Backdoor Sports and Switchback Sports are both located in this part of town, just across the river from Howelson Hill.
Expect the top demo performance packages to cost $75+ if you are coming to Howelson Hill and renting your equipment nearby. Discounted rates from our partners should get this closer to $60. Children’s equipment packages and lower performance level equipment packages all will cost less.
Do you have a helmet? Helmet rentals are available at most ski shops in the area. Expect to pay about $15/day.